Is Ayurveda and Homeopathy the same thing?

In short – no. Ayurvedic medicine and homeopathy differ in key aspects and are distinctive systems of herbal medicine. Let’s explore the different principles, philosophies, and approaches to healing of these two concepts.

Different Origins

Ayurveda distinctly originated in India over 5000 years ago. It is deeply rooted in the rich Indian culture. Compared to that, homeopathy is a relatively new development – coined by a German physician in the late 18th century.

Principles of healing

While homeopathy uses diluted minerals and substances obtained from plants and animals alike, a key aspect is that it is designed to stimulate the body’s own process of healing. The principle of Ayurveda is rooted in balancing the fundamental energies – the doshas – within the body. Emphasising the connection between body and mind, Ayurveda aims to achieve harmony in the same body.

Medicinal ingredients

Homeopathic remedies typically consist of small doses of diluted substances. With Ayurveda, the range of herbal/natural substances is very large and includes herbs, minerals, animal products, and combinations of these elements.

A focus on the individual

Both these systems consider the individual when approaching a specific case of healing. For Ayurveda, the individual is key – their physical, mental, and emotional state is vital and treatment often addresses all these aspects of their individuality. The main consideration of the individual in homeopathy is to identify and match the individual symptoms of the patient.

Approaching treatment

Homeopathy is known to rely on the body’s vital force, responding to the doses of diluted substances administered. In contrast, Ayurveda applies an incredibly wide range of therapies in treatment that aim to balance the mind and body.

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